Free To Be Me

Free to be Me Counselling is based on the premise of how great and empowering it is to be truly free to be yourself.


at a time

Low Self Esteem

How can low self-esteem impact your daily life?  more  

Are resolutions toxic?

Start of a new year is often a time for reflection but are resolutions good for us?  more  

Feeling lonely at Christmas?

Loneliness can happen at any time of year but Christmas feels harder  more  

Feelings and what to do with them

How do you make sense of your feelings and express them?  more  

Working with Shame

Shame is a complex emotion often hidden amongst other emotions and feelings. Putting the spotlight on processing shame.   more  

Coping with Change

What comes to mind when you think of change? What feelings does it evoke?  more  

Spotlight on Social Anxiety

Do you know what social anxiety is and would you recognise the symptoms?  more  

Spotlight on Self Esteem

What is self-esteem? Why does it matter? How can I improve it?  more  

What do you need to know about stress?

What does stress feel like? Do you know signs, symptoms and how to manage it?  more  

Grief after loss by suicide

Losing a loved one to suicide can be very traumatic, so much so that even starting to grief could feel out of reach. Where do you start with this?  more