In grief we not only lose our loved one but we can also lose ourselves. It can lead to questioning your own identity and sense of self leaving you feeling lost and isolated. more
Grief can invoke so many different feelings, emotions and reactions and we all respond to it differently. It can affect us physically and mentally, changing our thoughts, feelings ... more
When you think about having counselling are there any barriers that stop you from getting started? What would help you to overcome these barriers? more
It is natural to feel lonely from time to time but how can you manage feelings of loneliness? What is the cause and what can we do about it? more
Valentines Day is just around the corner and the adverts are ramping up, letting us know what we can buy, how we can celebrate but what if you are single? more
You keep hearing people talk about the January blues but what does that mean? If you're feeling a little blue what can you do? more
Grieving is hard anytime of the year but especially so at Christmas, what can you do to help manage it. more
Ever wondered just what happens in a counselling session? What do you say? What's expected of you? Where do you start? more
What are some of the things to consider when you are looking for a Counsellor? What should I think about when doing a search? more